
ADULT CHOIR: JFeb 9, 9:30am in the Choir Room.

PICKUP CHOIR: Feb 16, 9:30am in the Choir Room. We will rehearse  a prelude and sing just before the 10am Mass


In case you missed rehearsal or want some extra practice, take a look and listen to the links below.


Sunday January 26

Entrance Hymn #288 Rejoice the Lord is King

Psalm (click to listen)


Offertory #684 Be Thou My Vision



Communion Hymn: O Salutaris Hostia (Delibes)

Sending Forth #429 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing




Upcoming Repertoire



O Sacrum Convivium (Croce)

Soprano                                                                                     Alto


Tenor                                                                                          Bass


Ash Wednesday Rehearsal Tracks

Immutemur Habitu

Soprano                                                                                       Alto


Tenor                                                                                          Bass


Wilt Thou Forgive