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Daylight Discovery Preschool
Welcome to Daylight Discovery Preschool, we are excited that you are interested in our program. Daylight Discovery Preschool still has openings for the 2024-2025 school year. We have spots available in just our Pre-Kindergarten Programs and After School Care Programs. Currently, our Preschool Class is on a waiting list. Please contact Traci Davis at to register and learn more about our program.
Come see our new school by scheduling a visit. At our school visit, families will be able to meet our teachers, tour our NEW building, visit the current classrooms, and learn more about our new school options.
Daylight Discovery Preschool is a developmentally appropriate program that operates on the Piagetian theory that children learn through active exploration of their environment. The children learn through hands on experiences and activities. We also have a strong Catholic religion based curriculum; where children learn about God, Jesus’ miracles, and daily prayer. For the Pre-Kindergarten classes, we attend church once a week. The children will participate in various special events throughout the year, such as Grandparents’ Day, Halloween Parties, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas Program, Christmas Parties, Sweetheart Dance, Tooth Fairy Visit School, Easter Egg Hunt, Mother’s & Father’s Day Program, onsite educational visitor presentations, and various planned field trips.
For the 2024-2025 school year, Daylight Discovery Preschool will offer 5 Day Full Day Pre-Kindergarten and Preschool Classes (8:30-2:30 PM), 3 Day Full Day Pre-Kindergarten and Preschool Classes (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30-2:30 PM), 5 Day Half Day Pre-Kindergarten and Preschool Classes (8:30-11:30 PM), and 3 Day Half Day Pre-Kindergarten and Preschool Classes (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30-11:30 PM). Our school will offer Before School Care from 7:30-8:30 AM and After School Care from 2:30-5:30 PM. We are looking forward to our new hours to better serve families!
Traci Davis is our Director at Daylight Discovery Preschool. Traci Davis is also the Pre-Kindergarten Teacher. Allison Scheu is our Pre-Kindergarten Assistant Teacher. Becky Lasher is our Preschool Teacher. Marie Hartmann is our Preschool Assistant Teacher. The teachers are looking forward to building many memories at Daylight Discovery Preschool, as they shape the children in learning and our Catholic faith.
Our school has grown and we are excited to welcome Melissa Fox, Leland Fox, and Madeline Freeman to our After School Care Program. Melissa Fox will be the Director and Teacher for our After School Care Program. Leland Fox and Madeline Freeman will both be assistant teachers. Our After School Care Program will continue to teach our Catholic faith in the afternoon, while providing a home schooling environment. Madeline Freeman will teach the Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd and sign language. DDP is blessed to add these new teachers to continue to shape our little disciples.
If you are interested in our program, please take the time to fill out the attached registration form and return to Daylight Discovery Preschool, 5301 Daylight Drive, Evansville, IN 47725. This form will allow us to save a spot for your child to attend our program. Also, please contact Traci Davis at school 867-3718 or email for any questions about our school.
Continue to be your child’s first teacher on the right path to a successful experience in learning and let our program be your guide. Together we can help your child develop a great love for Jesus and learning. We look forward to meeting you and your family and hope that Daylight Discovery Preschool will be the first path in your child’s educational journey.
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More Information:
- 2024-2025 Registration Form
- 2024-2025 Open House Letter
- 2024-2025 Daylight Discovery Preschool Information
- 2024-2025 School Calendar
- 2024-2025 Special Events Calendar
- 2024-2025 Pre-Kindergarten Supply List
- 2024-2025 Preschool Supply List
- 2024-2025 Arrival and Dismissal Procedures