Prayer Shawl Ministry
Contact: Lois Martin, (812) 303-4541
Meet: First Monday of the Month, except September, at 10:00 am in the Holy Family Room
WHAT IS A PRAYER SHAWL? It is a tangible, visible proof that someone cares and is praying.
WHO CAN RECEIVE ONE? Anyone that you feel is in need of comfort and prayer. Some that we make are donated to St. Vincent Hospital in Evansville. There is no cost to receive one.
WHO MAKES THEM? There are several people in the parish who either knit or crochet who make them. We are named the Prayer Hands group because we use our hands to serve and pray as we do. We often receive free yarn that is donated to St. Vincent and then given to us.
WHO CAN JOIN? Anyone who knits or crochets can join us. For the most part, we work on our own and at our own pace.
DO I HAVE TO ATTEND MEETINGS? We do not have any meetings. Although on the first Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m., we meet in the Holy Family room to work together, to pray, and to share our stories. People come when they can. If you choose, you can simply knit or crochet a shawl, wash it, place it in a plastic bag, and leave it at church for me to distribute. (Lois Martin)
DO WE NEED YOU? Yes!!! If you are interested in receiving a prayer shawl to give to someone in need of this special comfort, contact Lois Martin at 812-303-4541.
There is no charge to receive a shawl.